| January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
- Winter colour - plant out winter flowering annuals and potted colour now for great colour through the winter months.
- Potted colour varieties to look for this month include Pansies, Primulas, Polyanthus, and Cineraria.
- Plant seedlings of Alyssum, Kale, Stock, Calendulas, and Violas.
- Now is a good time to plant up winter hanging baskets and pots.
- Flowering Camellias - Sasanqua Camellias are coming into flower now.
- This is the perfect time to buy and plant - see the flowers and colours before you buy!
- Hedges and Shelter - give hedges a final trim and tidy up before winter.
- Plant out new hedges and shelter now - Corokia, Griselinia, Pittosporum, Buxus, Photinia, all make attractive, low maintenance hedges in the home garden.
- Fragrant Daphne - who can resist the heady perfume of a Daphne bush in full flower?
- Plant now and enjoy the fragrance by your front door or on your patio.
- Daphnes grow well in pots and containers.
- Look for Odora Rubra or Leucanthe.
- Strawberries - Now's the time to be planting strawberries.
- Strawberries like good fertile soil so dig in lots of top quality compost before planting. A handful of Blood and Bone in the planting hole and a top dressing of general fertiliser will get them off to a flying start.
- Remember to water in well after planting.
Strawberries look great in strawberry pots on the deck - easy picking in the summer! - Vege Garden - still lots to do in the vegetable garden this month.
- Spinach, cabbage, winter lettuce, bok choy, should all be part of your winter garden.
- Broad beans are a great winter garden crop - plant seeds now into prepared soil. Provide some support as they do get reasonably tall (use twigs and small branches from your pruning in the garden).
- Broad beans are easy care and you will have delicious young beans in October / November.
- Shallots - sweeter than garlic, milder than onions. Great in stews and casseroles, or roasted whole. Shallots are easy to grow and take up little space in the garden.
- Rhubarb - Nothing beats the taste of home grown rhubarb with your muesli or weet-bix for breakfast!
- Rhubarb is planted by 'Crowns' which are available this month.
- Rhubarb plants are heavy feeders so dig in plenty of top quality compost at planting time and follow up with general garden fertiliser at regular intervals through the year.